Drop in Sutil lemon exports in Peru
Monday 02 January 2023
Between January and November 2022, Peruvian Sutil lemon exports totaled 2,839,643 kilos for $2,574,091, according to the Agrodata portal. (photo:infomercado.pe)
Between January and November 2022, Peruvian exports of Sutil lemon totaled 2,839,643 kilos for $2,574,091, according to the Agrodata portal. These figures reflect a significant decrease compared to the 5,059,505 kilos exported in the same period of 2021 for $3,796,423.
The main recipient of these shipments until November 2022 was Chile, with placements for $1,944,253 (76% of the total), followed by Panama with $591,693, the United States with $20,010, and Bolivia with $18,088.
Source: agrodataperu.com, agraria.pe