A citrus harvest estimated at 6.92 million tonnes for the 2020/21 campaign
Tuesday 29 September 2020
Spain's 2020/21 citrus production is expected to exceed the previous season's production by 728,000 tonnes (Photos: alimpo com).
In Spain, MAPA (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación) has announced its forecast for the 2020/21 citrus harvest.
According to estimates based on information received from producing regions, MAPA (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación) forecasts a harvest of 6,929,579 tonnes of citrus. That is to say, a production of 728,000 tonnes more than the previous season and a total volume greater than 5% than the observed average.
The total volume for the 2020/21 harvest is expected to be 6,929,579 tonnes, including 3,447,658 tonnes of oranges, 2,369,492 tonnes of easy peelers clementines and mandarins, 1,023,875 tonnes of lemons and 71,864 tonnes of pomelos.
According to these estimates, orange production should therefore increase by 4% compared to the previous season. Lemon production is expected to increase 8.5% from last season and 9% from average. Easy peelers production will increase by 28% with almost 250,000 tonnes more than average, reaching one of the highest levels in recent seasons.
source : ailimpo AFORO NACIONAL, mapa.gob.es