Ecuador reinforces preventive measures due to the possible emergence of the fungus Foc R4T
The Ecuadorian banana sector is concerned by the emergence of the fungus Foc R4T (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Race 4 Tropical ), one of the most destructive pests for banana and plantain. At the moment, it is not present in the country, however, the main world exporter of the fruit is on alert.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador (MAG), through the Agency for the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad), received an alert of probable threat (not confirmed officially), therefore, it reinforces the actions to prevent the entry of the plague to the country.
The Agency developed eleven technical standards focused on the exclusion, eradication, and suppression of the pest if it appears.
In recent years, Ecuador has led the prevention, detection and control of this plague through the sanitary control of international passengers and their luggage, disinfecting cargo vehicles at checkpoints and passenger footwear, as well as 100% of the containers that arrive in the country through arches implemented in ports, in addition to providing biosecurity measures in places of production, among others.
The work is carried out in coordination with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and with the technicians of the Phytosanitary Project (PROFIT). In addition, Agrocalidad manages the implementation of disinfection arcs in order to strengthen surveillance in the country.
According to Patricio Almeida, Executive Director of the Agency, Ecuador is prepared and activated and continues with public and private work.
The Agency appeals to the public to stay informed through the official sources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Agrocalidad, taking into account that the commitment of the sector is essential for the prevention of the entry of the pest, through compliance with established biosecurity measures.