New orientation to make progess the consumption of fruits/vegetables
With benefits for the whole society as a whole, from the economic and health point of view.
Freshfel Europe and the French Agency Aprifel coordinated a debate in the European Parliament. The event brought together parliamentarians, representatives of the European Commission, experts on nutritions, health care professionals and fresh produce.
Increase in consumption of fruits and vegetables is an essential component of a healthy diet and plays a major role in health and longevity, reducing medical costs. It is alarming to note that in most EU Member States, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is below the minimum recommended by the WHO (400 g/day/person).
Policymakers must join forces with scientists and industry professionals to reverse this trend. It is necessary to move from awareness to a political battle of deficiencies. Participants asked the European Parliament to set up a group of experts for future legislation.
source : freshfel org