China and Japan start citrus fruit imports from Adana
Monday 13 November 2017
As such, it produces about one third of Turkish national production, estimated at about 4.3 million tonnes per year. 40% of this production is exported. In 2017, about 60% of exports were sent to eastern countries, mainly Russia and 25% to Iraq, the rest being sold to Saudi Arabia, Germany, Holland, Hungary and Asian countries.
The promotion of citrus fruits on the Asian markets as well as bilateral negotiations for the implementation of an export protocol allowed this season to open the doors of this enormous market. The exported fruits, early varieties of oranges, pomelos and mandarins, are shipped to the Chinese and Japanese markets by boat, thanks to a pecular packaging technique.
The feedbacks are excellent and the exporters are already predicting that next season there should be a sharp increase in the quantities sent to these destinations.
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