India forecasts growth in vegetable (+ 2.6%) and onion (+ 7%) production
Saturday 01 February 2020
Indian onion production will be 7% higher than the previous one (Photo:
According to estimates from the Ministry of Agriculture, Indian vegetable production should increase by 2.6% this year, specifically for onions (7%), potatoes (3.5%) and tomatoes ( 1.7%).
By releasing its first advance estimates for 2019-2020, the Ministry of Agriculture has declared onion production to reach 24.45 million tonnes, up from 22.82 million tonnes produced the previous year .
The kharif or summer harvest was damaged by the double impact of a delayed monsoon and excessive rainfall in the main producing states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. About 25% of this onion crop has been destroyed, causing exorbitant prices for weeks. To combat this inflation, India has banned exports of onions and imported large volumes of onions from Egypt and Turkey.
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