Start of the harvest of kiwifruit
Kiwifruit consortium of Italy published its harvest calendar.
Harvesting at the right stage of ripeness is essential for obtenion of optimum quality. The Consortium has followed the evolution of maturation (Brix degree, hardness) in all regions of the country. The early harvest could start from week 44 in the north of Italy and the Lazio region around week 45. Exports will start in week 45 and 46.
Italy is the second largest producer of kiwi, after China. In recent years, the marketable production reached 460,000 tons. Italy exports most of its production to foreign markets, particularly to the countries of the European Union, which imports nearly 80% of Italian kiwi. The main production region is Lazio, with nearly 8000 hectares (30% of the national area), followed by Piemonte with more than 5000 hectares (20% of the national area), Emilia-Romagna, with 16% and Veneto with 15%.
source : kiwi italy com