2018-19 production forecast up by 2.6%
Tuesday 30 October 2018
The Onion Sector Committee is composed of the main associations of the sector: ACEC, PROCECAM, ASOCIAFRUIT, ASONAL, ANPCA. (Photo: Acec).
During the FRUIT ATTRACTION event, the FEPEX Onion Committee meeting was held to analyze the 2018-19 campaign. The production of onions is expected to increase by 2.6% compared to 2017 and total 1 326 928 tonnes in Spain.
This increase is due to the good weather conditions that brought yields to normal levels. According to the data, the total area of onions in Spain reached 24 205 hectares, a decrease of 4% compared to the previous year but which is largely offset by the increase in yields. The quality is considered excellent.
According to the Committee's analysis, the scarcity of onions in Europe and the lack of certain sizes (medium-sized) could be an opportunity for Spanish products to enter new markets. Professionals believe that the marketing campaign will be "interesting".
source : fepex