Anecoop records the best results in its history
FJ | Anecoop S. Coop.
Record year for Anecoop that reveals the best results of its history.
During the General Assembly with its 72 associated cooperatives Anecoop clarified that it had sold during the 2012-13 campaign a volume of 736 601 tons, an increase of +9% compared to the previous season. Its sales totaled 593.4 million euros, an increase of +16.7%. These figures represent the best result achieved by Anecoop.
The General Director, Joan Mir, predicts for an annual increase of +4% over the next 5 years. This growth will be achieved through a plan which expects better integration in all spheres.
Europe is the main destination (92%) followed by Eastern Europe (Russia, Eastern Europe) 3% of exports. Like the previous season, the first destination is France with 168 000 tons ahead of Germany with 125 500 tons. The Spanish domestic market absorbs 82,000 tons.