Savéol: tercentenary of Plougastel Strawberry and growth forecast
FJ | Savéol
Savéol forecasts a growth of 7 to 8% for 2014 and an increase of its international presence
Savéol celebrated on April 9 last 300 years of Plougastel Strawberry becoming the partner of Strawberry Museum and Heritage of Plougastel Daoulas. The company Savéol, specializing in the production of tomatoes (90% of its turnover), strawberries (9%), cucumbers (1%) closed 2013 with 164 million turnover.
French leader of tomato production (76 330 tons traded), Savéol plans to increase its commercial presence in Europe. Its policy of diversification and research and development has led to the launch last year three new varieties of tomatoes. To better meet the new demands where tomato consumption increases (appetizer, snack).
Savéol aims a growth of 7 to 8% in 2014. This development will go through several axes: research allowing the introduction of new varieties and new lines, modernization of farms, communication of campaigns to support the products and increased exports. Last year Savéol exported 11,000 tons of tomatoes in Europe, and will target new markets (Austria, Poland, Russia).
source : saveol, le courrier progres, lsa