Chive production could benefit from the onion crisis
Friday 29 November 2019
Chives can be a solution to the scarcity of onions according to Bangladesh scientists (Photo: dailystar).
Onion prices skyrocketed in Bangladesh following a decision by India, the country's main supplier, to stop its onion exports. With this onion crisis, BARI scientists hope that chives will be used as an alternative.
BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) scientists hope that chives can be used as an alternative to garlic and onion. In 2017, they introduced a high-yielding variety called Chive1.
According to scientists, chives are an ideal crop. It can be grown all year round. The first harvest occurs 65-70 days after planting and the harvest number can reach 4-5 per year. The yield is about 10-12 tonnes per hectare.
Dr. Shoilendra Nath Majumdar, chief scientist at the BARI Spice Research Center, said, "Chives are an ideal spice to replace onion and garlic in cooking, and it's even healthier. scarcity of onions and garlic will be mitigated if the chive can be widely grown".
Since India's ban on onion exports, onion prices in Bangladesh have jumped. The usual price of a kilo of onions was 30 Tk, the price currently reaches 260 Tk.
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