The Santiago Apóstol de Tomelloso cooperative joins Anecoop as a new member!
Monday 23 March 2020
The Santiago Apóstol de Tomelloso cooperative joins Anecoop as a new member!
Founded in 1971, the Santiago Apóstol de Tomelloso cooperative associates 300 families and has 400 hectares of horticultural products that it exports to the entire European Union. It annually markets 22 million kilos, of which 80% corresponds to melon and watermelon (collected from July to October) and the remaining 20% to other products such as onion, squash, tomato, cauliflower, almonds or cereals (barley, wheat , rye, oats or triticale, among others). It also provides advisory services to its partners and has a supply section.
All the company's product is grown following the criteria of integrated production, which minimizes the use of chemical substances that can affect the environment, achieving the goal of zero residue, crops free of phytosanitary residues. Furthermore, Santiago Apóstol is accredited by the main private quality certifications such as Global G.A.P, IFS and Ecological Agriculture.
As explained by the President of the Santiago Apóstol Cooperative, José Ángel Serrano Lara, “About to celebrate 50 years in the market, we have considered, after a long period of joint collaboration, to seal our alliance with Anecoop in order to continue growing and sharing useful synergies for both entities ”. And he added that "this important step will allow us to continue gaining competitiveness and dimension, reinforcing our strength".
For his part, the President of Anecoop, Alejandro Monzón, has stated that with the incorporation of Santiago Apóstol, its first partner in Castilla-La Mancha, “we expanded our presence in the main Spanish production areas, with partners already in twelve provinces of six autonomous communities, which allows us to expand our commercial calendar and our offer. He also stated that "it is an honor to start this journey with the Santiago Apóstol cooperative, with whom we share fundamental values and a common interest in the defense of Spanish agriculture."
About Anecoop
In 1975, a group of Spanish citrus fruit cooperatives joined forces in order to expand their product range, reach new markets and improve their bargaining power with large-scale distributors.
They set up Anecoop, a second-tier cooperative or “cooperative of cooperatives”.
More information, please contact to:
Ms. Piedad Coscolla
+34 963 938 500