The winners of the FLIA 2017
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Tuesday 14 February 2017
The Rijk Zwaan team rewarded at the FLIA 2017 for its product KNOX.
Visitors to FRUIT LOGISTICA voted to elect the FRUIT LOGISTICA INNOVATION AWARD. This year the FLIA 2017 is awarded to:
Knox ™ - Delayed pinking in fresh cut lettuce ", Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt in Zaadhandel BV. A natural solution that delays the coloring - called dew - on the edges of freshly cut lettuce. This not only increases the shelf life of lettuce from one to two days, but also reduces food waste. Because discoloration, visually unattractive to consumers, generally leads to rejection of the lot.
In second place: "The Cracking Monkey - Pili Nuts", Die Frischebox GmbH. Pre-germinated nuts from the Philippines in an organic cotton bag. They are pre-sheared and it is very easy to remove their shell thanks to a stainless steel nutcracker delivered with nuts.
In 3rd position: "Natupol Excel - Bee Vision", Koppert Biological Systems. This product acts as a navigational aid for greenhouse bees during the darkest winter months and in artificial light, helping them to find their way back to their hives and enabling them to put all their energy into the pollination of Fruit and vegetable crops.