Boom of kiwi cultures in Lombardy
In 7 years the surfaces of kiwis increased by +35% in the region of Lombardy.
In Lombardy the surfaces of kiwi rose from 409.5 hectares (in 2007) to 554.6 hectares (in 2014) an increase of +35% in 7 years. More than 80% is concentrated in the province of Mantua, with 441 hectares.
This growth strengthens the position of Italy as one of the leading producers in the world (second after China). This is demanded product by consumers both in Italy and abroad, the kiwi has become an ambassador of the "Made in Italy" both in quantity and quality.
Italian kiwi opened new markets around the world, particularly in the United Arab Emirates, Russia and South Korea. Italian production totaled 460,000 tons, sometimes exceeding 510,000 tons, which highlights its potential of production. The main production region is Lazio, with nearly 8000 hectares (30% of the national area), followed by Piedmont with more than 5,000 hectares (20% of the national area), Emilia-Romagna with 16% and Veneto, with 15%.
source : mantova coldiretti it, kiwitaly com