Serrano Molto increases sales in the Middle East
Wednesday 15 June 2011
The first shipments of fruit from Valencia with destination to Saudi Arabia have been controlled by technicians from “Serrano Moltó”.
“Serrano Moltó” has put into practice its strategy to expand outside EU and overseas and as a direct result of this it has been possible to continue the campaign of Valencia Late oranges with “origin from Valencia” up until this point of the season.
During the first week of June “Serrano Moltó” was still sending Valencia Late, Lemons and Ortaniques to countries in the Persian Gulf, including the Saudi Arabian market.
It is not yet clear how the end of the season will turn out although the competition from the southern hemisphere begins to be felt more intensely at this moment as well as other problems caused by the so called “CUCUMBER CRISIS”.
The next goal of “Serrano Moltó” is to expand the range of products exported overseas (including stone fruit, pears, apples, grapes and vegetables) as well as to increase the number of destinations to include various countries in America and Asia where they are negotiating new collaborations for the summer season or at the latest for the next citrus season.