Lettuce +700%, cauliflower +443%, tomato +419%
According to the IPOD index (Índice de Precios en Origen de los Alimentos y Destiny) for the month of February.
The IPOD index measures the difference between the price received by the producer and the price paid by the consumer. The index is calculated by the organizations of producers and consumers COAG (Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos), UCE (Unión de Consumidores de España) and CEACCU (Confederación Española de Amas de Casa, Consumidores y Usuarios).
For the month of February, the lettuce has increased by 700% (€ 0.12 charged by the manufacturer for piece, while the consumer has paid € 0.96 for each head of lettuce), the cauliflower by 443% (€ 0.30 and € 1.63), the tomato by 419% (€ 0.37 and € 1.92), the artichoke by 407% (0.45 € and 2.28 €) .
Source: COAG