New export record for HOLLAND ONIONS
Wednesday 04 January 2017
The record export volume reached last season could be beaten this year.
HOLLAND ONIONS announces that during the first 19 weeks of the season, the volume of exports is already 13% higher than in the same period last year. Weeks of more than 30,000 tons are no longer exceptional and all destinations are up.
Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire increased their volumes but also Indonesia which nearly doubled its volumes compared to last season. Even traditional European domestic markets such as the UK, Belgium and France are up compared to last season. New destinations appear such as the Bahamas, the Maldives, the islands of Reunion and Martinique, or Vietnam.
HOLLAND ONIONS is also working with the Ministry of Economic Affairs to open new markets, such as Colombia, Costa Rica and possibly China.
source : holland onions