Quebec wishes to increase its organic production
Monday 23 August 2010
Logo of Quebec organic products which wants to increase its 20 % production, to answer the new consumers demands.
Quebec launches action plan for biological sector with for objective to multiply companies of sector and to increase by 20 % surfaces dedicated to the biological culture before 4 years.
"Biological production represents a crenel of very promising future in Quebec responding to the consumers concerns" indicated Claude Béchard, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ).
The plan offers the possibility to absorb a part of expenses engaged during the period of transition. A big promotion will be launched with consumers.
The peasant Union wishes rather a direct support for the farmers. "To increase production, the direct support is the only effective measure ", underlined Benoît Girouard, president of the peasant Union.
Cost of all measures planned by this new plan is estimated at more than 8 million dollars.
source : cyberpresse ca