Potato and avocado imports rise more than double in Spain
The import value of fruits and vegetables in Spain during the first two months of 2023 amounted to €638.5 million, which marked a significant increase of 19% compared to the same period in 2022.
Potato and avocado were the two species whose imports stood out notably. Compared to the same period in 2022, potato imports increased by 67% totaling €91 million, while those of avocado rose by 69% totaling €55 million, according to the data from the Customs and Excise Department.
Tomatoes and green beans were also among the most imported vegetables by value, with 28.3 million euros and 27.8 million euros respectively, although both saw decreases of 14% and 2% compared to January and February of the previous year.
As for fruit, in addition to avocados, the most imported fruits were raspberries with 46 million euros (-12%), bananas with 41 million euros (+35%), kiwis with 55.5 million euros (+25%), and apples with 32 million euros (+30%).
Overall, the value of Spanish vegetable imports reached 238.5 million euros (+24%), while the value of fruit imports reached 400 million euros (+16.5%). In terms of volume, Spanish imports of fruits and vegetables totaled 631,516 tons (+14%), with 343,921 tons corresponding to vegetables (+15%) and 287,595 tons corresponding to fruits (+14%).