Green light to Peruvian citrus fruit in New Zealand
In December, Peruvian citrus fruits will enter New Zealand, a market of over 5 million inhabitants, according to the National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (Senasa).
The head of Senasa, Miguel Quevedo Valle, commented that the procedure is already 99% and New Zealand already can be considered as an open destination fo Peruvian tangelo, mandarin, orange, lemon and clementine. They are only waiting for confirmation that there is no observation by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which almost never happens.
Sergio Del Castillo, general director of the Association of Citrus Producers of Peru (Procitrus), said that the New Zealand market is small, however it pays prices similar to those of Europe and the United States.
At present, only 20% of the total Peruvian citrus production is destined for the foreign market.