Fontestad rent Anecoop site
Tuesday 12 June 2012
MD | Fontestad France SAS
Fontestad is leasing a site from Anecoop for the handling and packing of citrus until its Museros facility is re-built.
After the destruction of its Museros site, Fontestad is leasing an Anecoop facility.
The newspaper Las Provincias announced that Fontestad has an agreement with Anecoop for the rental of facilities and the handling and packing of citrus in Masía
del Juez.
The lease does not have a fixed-term and in principle will last until the rebuilding of Museros site, destroyed by a huge fire (our info from 05/11/2012), has been completed
The lease does not have a fixed-term and in principle will last until the rebuilding of Museros site, destroyed by a huge fire (our info from 05/11/2012), has been completed
source : la opinion de torrent es