Turkish carrier protesting against actions taken by Georgia
The event, which prevents the passage of trucks in both directions, is due to unjust measures taken by the Government of Georgia in recent months against Turkish trucks interminable wait at the border, heavy fines without real foundation and damages to cargo.
Hopa Chamber of Commerce and the association of international carriers have come together to organize the event.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce, in a statement to the press, says that these measures are taken to reduce competition of Turkish products "in the area. Despite complaints made to the authorities concerned, no solution has been found and this is why Turkish carriers protest in this way. He insists to protest against the measures taken by Georgia. Not only carriers who are covered but through them, the exporters are also affected by these measures, while lorries registered in Georgia have no problems.
The event continues and although they let in cars, trucks carrying goods are routinely arrested in one way or another.
Source : Le journal “Milliyet”