Live from Sitevi (Montpellier, France): Sun'AGri, the innovative solution against climatic hazards that combines crop protection and electricity production
Tuesday 26 November 2019
This innovative system has many advantages for gardening and orchards markets.
Laureate of the Sitevi Innovation Award, Sun'Agri presents booth B6 B014, a new climate change adaptation solution using the synergy between agriculture and energy production.
The Sun'Agri Dynamic Agrivoltaïsm System aims to protect crops from the effects of climate change (vineyards, orchards, market gardening and greenhouses) which are becoming more violent (spring frost, excessive sunshine, etc.), recreating a microclimate adapted to the needs of the treated plant while producing electricity.
Photovoltaic panels are installed above the crop (vine, orchard, greenhouse ...) and their mission is to protect the crop without affecting its productivity. According to the criconstances, the orientation of the panenals will favor the sunshine of the culture or on the contrary, its partial shading. The digital can control the position of the panels so as to optimize the yield of the crop.
This system has many advantages for gardening and orchards because the contribution of intelligent shading allows:
- Protection against climatic hazards: qualitative and quantitative improvement of agricultural production;
- The preservation of fruit quality: protection against burns during periods of strong sunlight;
- The maintenance or even the increase of the yields: decrease of the erratic losses related to the climatic hazards (frost, hail, violent wind);
- The favorable shift of the harvest periods: lengthening for new market opportunities.
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