Heavy toll for stone fruits
Terrible toll for peaches (-85%), plums (-35%), cherries (-75%), apricots (-90%).
The Mendoza region in Argentina, began to take stock of the disastrous freeze that hit at the end of September. The Mendoza region has 55,000 hectares planted with fruit from which 39,400 hectares are Stone Fruits.
A balance has been established and figure the losses at -85% for peaches (fresh and Industry), -35% for industry plums, - 85% for fresh plums - 75% for cherries - 90% for apricots.
Total losses could exceed $ 1 345 million. Producer losses, job losses at harvest time (10,500) losses for the processing industry of peaches and plums, losses for the packaging industry.
source : diario san rafael com ar, mas produccion com