Australian nectarines will start their first season in China
The nectarines professionals anticipate a great season from November to March. In fact, last May and after 3 years of work, Chinese authorities have announced access to Chinese market for the Australian nectarines.
Present in Hong-Kong, Michael Trautwein, Vice-Chairman Export Committee of SUMMER FRUIT AUSTRALIA and Julie Willis, Trade Events Manager of HORTICULTURE INNOVATION AUSTRALIA has drawn a clear picture of the situation:
“Australia produces nectarines from different regions, which may be 1000 km apart. This enables a long period of supply.
In last years, growers have planted different varieties, more adapted to Chinese tastes: white flesh, high level of sugar, low level of acid… Today, Australia is already exporting nectarines to Hong Kong and Middle East. Our packers are used to requirements needed for fruit to export. A strict protocol for insect’s prevention has to be respected according to Chinese regulations.”
“Concerning next season to start in November, we expect the nectarines to have the same success as Australian grapes after the Chinese market opening back in 2013. 75.000 tons of Australian grapes were shipped in China last season, which is huge!”
“To boost our sales, nectarines will benefit from a strong promotion plan with consumers tasting in supermarkets. Retailers are welcome to speak with our growers about end-consumers promotion plan. We hope to export 10.000 tons of Australian nectarines next season over a total production of 60.000 tons.”