95% of Danes buy organic
Tuesday 19 November 2019
Organic food is becoming more and more popular in Denmark (Photo: issuu.com).
Organic products are really popular in Denmark, a study has just shown that 95% of Danes buy organic food.
A V & F survey showed that Danes are buying more and more organic products. 95% said that organic foods are part of their purchases, 43% said "often" or "always". This represents a further increase over the same period last year where this proportion was 37%.
Another lesson from this study is that when consumers have to prioritize the organic foods they buy most often, vegetables come first, followed by organic eggs, dairy products, cereals and fruits.
According to market experts, sales of organic products still have good growth potential. The government aims to double the organic consumption of the Danes by 2030.
source : maskinbladet.dk