MACFRUT DIRECT - +40% foreign exhibitors & record number of exhibitors
31st Macfrut in sharp contrast to the general situation.
For sure, the embargo on agricultural products imposed by the Russian Federation and the general decline in consumption do not make the present time particularly exciting for the agricultural world, but the international exhibition of the fruit and vegetable sector confirms its central role with a record edition for numbers and growth prospects.
Record number of exhibitors this year (+9%) in the more than 30,000 square meters of exhibition space. About thirty conferences on key issues in the sector. A huge number of foreign companies from all over the world, also increased compared to 2013 (over 40% more), and many confirmations.
Among the news, the presence of delegations from Peru and Uganda.
And great attention to the exploration of new markets and opportunities: the Persian Gulf, North Africa, East/Far East.