Ferrero hopes on hazelnuts from Sicily
Ferrero, the famous Italian confectioner who produced " Nutella " seeks 5,000 hectares of land in Sicily for new plantations.The Council of the Sicilian Region has received a request from the Ferrero company to identify 5,000 hectares of land for new planting.
In full expansion phase in Sicily, hazelnut production in 2014 totaled 10,000 quintals a turnover of 4 million euros. This year , forecasts are revised upwards , the price per quintal having risen sharply .
This rise in the price ( 400 euros / quintal instead of 150 euros / quintal ) results from the shortage observed after a small production in Turkey and a bad year in Campania and Piedmont regions. The professsionnels consider this year's price of 630 euros / quintal.
source : giornale di sicilia, giornale siracusa