1st Conference of Melon of Mantua (Melone Mantovano IGP)
IGP since November 2013, the Melon of Mantua is the 39th product recognized by the EU (PGI or PDO) of the Emilia-Romagna region.
Melon of Mantua IGP (Melone Mantovano IGP) is produced around Mantua and Cremona and in several municipalities of Modena (Concordia, Mirandola, San Felice sul Panaro), Bologna (Crevalcore, Galliera, San Giovanni in Persiceto) and Ferrara (Bondeno, Cento, Sant'Agostino). The melon of Mantua IGP has a special flavor, its flesh color varies from yellow-orange to salmon, is dense and juicy, its sugar content is greater than or equal to 12 ° Brix.
This conference will take stock of everything that concerns the naming (production, soil characteristics, production environment), and will determine the outlook for the first year of marketing, the marketing campaigns, particularly on opportunities of promotion offered by the Expo 2015, and on the possible strategies for greater market penetration in Europe.
Convegno "Il Melone Mantovano IGP"
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Centro Congressi - MAMU
Mantova Multicentre
Auditorium Ottagono
Largo Pradella 1/a