ALDI-Switzerland renounces fruits and vegetables transported by air
Tuesday 17 January 2023
No more fruit or vegetables that were transported by air to ALDI-Switzerland, which will continue to offer, for example, bananas imported by sea (Photo:
At ALDI-Switzerland the volume of goods transported by air has fallen sharply in recent years, in line with its sustainability and CO2 reduction objectives.
ALDI-Switzerland has announced that it will now ban fruits and vegetables transported by air in its stores. ALDI-Switzerland, whose sites have been climate-neutral since 2017, wants to further reduce CO2 emissions, estimating that this measure can save 5,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year.
In terms of competing brands in the country: LIDL does not offer fruit and vegetables transported by air but MIGROS as well as COOP continue to offer fruit and vegetables transported by air. Believing that air transport cannot be entirely avoided due to the short shelf life of some products and due to the wide range offered today of exotic products that consumers demand.
According to data from the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security, 7,357 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables were imported into Switzerland by air in 2021. The total value was more than CHF 56 million (60. $7 million). Fruits and vegetables accounted for 9.2% of all goods imported by air.
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