Harvest of dried figs for 2017-2018.
Wednesday 23 August 2017
This figure is the result of work done on the ground in the Aegean area, the main region for the production of dried figs, according to the statement issued by the Izmir Trade Exchange (ITB).
According to preliminary estimates, the new harvest should therefore be 8.6% higher than the previous season. The commission responsible for determining production this year added that normal meteorological conditions had led to good fruit development but that the size of the fruit should be smaller due to higher production. The only problem could be the rain of recent days, which could jeopardize a promising season.
The production of dried figs from Turkey accounts for more than half of world production. During the 2016-2017 season, as of August 19, 2016, some 60,000 tons were exported for a value of USD 223 million. 50% of the production is sold to the countries of the European Union.
Source : Union des Exportateurs Egéens