
Gourmandine potato of La Retourne "Flavor of the Year"

Friday 17 January 2014
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Potato "Gourmandine" of La Retourne is recognized "Flavor of the Year"

The Lescieux company, producer and packager of potatoes in Juniville (Ardennes), has obtained the distinction "Taste of the Year 2014" for its potato "Gourmandine" of La Retourne.

"Gourmandine" is a potato with firm flesh. The jury "Flavor of the Year" mentioned several advantages for potato "Gourmandine": it is easy to peel, its flavor is rich, pretty flesh color of the flesh highlights culinary preparations, it has a very good resistance to cooking.

"Gourmandine" is one of proposed ranges by Lescieux-La Returns that sells different varieties of differed taste and cooking qualities: "firm flesh" (varieties charlotte, annabelle, gourmandine, celtiane), the "melting" (Agata, monalisa ), "special chips" (SIRCO, caesar).