Exports of apples-pears are recovering
Friday 20 September 2013
Apples and pears from Argentina found their export levels taking advantage of Asian demand and a slowdown in global production.
Apples and pears from Argentina have benefited from the rise of Asian demand and a slowdown in global production.
Exports of apples and pears have managed to recover their export levels. After 2012, when volumes have totaled a minimum, not seen for 10 years, exports have managed to reach in July the highest level ever recorded.
Apple exports totaled 129,000 tons representing +18.3% compared to 2012. With as the most profitable destinations: France, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Russia.
Pear exports reached 390,000 tons, or 15.7% compared to 2012. Mexico was the most profitable destination in terms of price followed by Brazil.
source : info campo com ar