
Argentine citrus directly linked with the FGF TRAPANI company

Tuesday 16 September 2014
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Ricardo Trapani (left)on his stand at Asia Fruit Logistica where he welcomed the Polska Patrico Elgarrista Import responsible (right).

The interest is growing for Argentina citrus companies has observed FGF Trapani , faithful exhibitor of Asia Fruit Logisitca since the first edition . 


FGF Trapani exports citrus from the Tucumán and Salta regions (North West Argentina), now appears in top 5 of the most important Argentine exporters . Its main markets are the European Community , the countries of Eastern Europe , Canada and Asia.


The company has about 800 hectares of crops ( lemon, orange and mandarin trees ) and continues to develop its plantations. It produced 60,000 tonnes for the industry as well as 25,000 tons of fresh fruits ( lemons) and 4,000 tonnes of oranges / tangerines with these three packing stations . All production is certified to GlobalGAP standards and the quality label ALL LEMON .