Turkish exports reach a new record
The biggest increase is in fruit exports, with 33 % more than in 2013 for the same period. Cherries are at the first rank, followed by grenades and apples. Germany is offering the best prices for Turkish fruits, despite a slight decrease in its imports, compared with last year at the same period.
Citrus exports increase by 25 %, after a difficult beginning in the first months of the year. Orange and grapefruit exports respectively increase by 55 and 50 %. Irak is the main importer.
By contrast, vegetable exports shows a small rise of 1% being the tomatoes the main export item. Russian Federation remains the first market for Turkish vegetables, representing 47 % of total vegetable imports.
Despite an increase in the quantity of exports, we have to note that there is a stagnation in the prices obtained, due to the diversification of markets, in particular for countries like Irak.
Source: Mediterranean Exporter Unions.