The level of bookings for Fruit Attraction 2021 demonstrates the optimism of the sector
Friday 28 May 2021
Face-to-face edition for Fruit Attraction 2021 (October 5-6-7).
According to the organizers of the Fruit Attraction 2021 show (October 5-7), reservation requests are reaching the same levels as those recorded for the 2019 edition. This confirms the confidence and optimism of the sector for this next face-to-face edition.
Organized by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, the Fruit Attraction 2021 fair will be held from October 5 to 7. 150 days before the opening, the organizers indicate that requests to participate are reaching the same levels as in 2019, on the same dates.
"We find ourselves at a time when the confluence of various favorable factors suggests a very positive scenario for the face-to-face holding of Fruit Attraction 2021. The process already underway of international fair activity in Spain and in other major European countries, the positive evolution of vaccination rates in the EU and non-EU countries of destination for European exports, in addition to promising economic data from the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021 "underlined Raúl Calleja.
All the production zones of Spain have confirmed their participation as well as 28 countries (data as of May 25).
Fruit Attraction 2021 will occupy 8 pavilions of the IFEMA MADRID Exhibition Center. The spaces for technology on farms (Biotech Attraction, Smart Agro, Smart Water & Energy) will be increased. The Innovation Hub space, to which the Innova Forum joins, will bring together innovation and sector news. The fair will host the Accelera Awards for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Premios Accelera a la Innovación y el Emprendimiento). Avocados will play a leading role in this edition with the Fresh & Star space.
The International Guest Program is expected to attract hundreds of buyers from around the world, to which is added the "Guest Importing Country" with this year Brazil and Ukraine. Fruit Attraction 2021 will favor relations with these 2 markets, in particular with a program of round tables, guided tours of the show and B2B sessions.
Technical conferences also during the 3 days of the fair, with sessions such as the Biofruit Congress, the Fresh Food Logistics Summit, Biotech Attraction and Smart Water & Energy.