42% of the population soon to be obese
United States
Wednesday 09 May 2012
Some simple rules are recommended: less fat, more fruits and vegetables, 1 hour of sport per day, not more than one fast food meal a week. Is there still time?
Obesity seems an epidemic engulfing the United States.
The latest projections indicate that 42% of the population could be obese and 11% severely obese by 2030. The trend continues to increase over 2010 when there were already 36% of population obese and 6% severely obese.
Many organizations are alarmed by
the predictions and point out that health spending will explode as an obese person costs more in medical costs. Analysts have said that if the obesity rate remains at 2010 levels, the country could save $549.5 billion between now and 2030.
Initiatives are multiplying to inform the public and promote a healthy diet, less calories, more fruits and vegetables.
Initiatives are multiplying to inform the public and promote a healthy diet, less calories, more fruits and vegetables.
source : reuters, cnn