Mediterranean diet is at risk !
The Mediterranean region is affected by a "nutritional transition", alerts the FAO (United Nations Organisation for Food).
During the EXPO 2015, both FAO and CIHEAM (Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes) have revealed a survey showing the negative consequences of food habits changes in the Maditerrannean region.
These consumption habits have been impacted by globalisation, by supply of industrial products and change of way of life. People are eating less fruit & veg, more meat and dairy products that lead to overweight, obesity and other diseases.
"The Mediterranean diet is nutritive and well adapted with local production, respectfull for environment and supports local economies." has declared M. Alexandre Meybeck, coordinator of the programme eco-friendly food systems at the FAO.
"That is why, it is essential to go on promoting the Mediterranean diet"
source : fao org