REDI broccoli won the innovation award
Wednesday 28 October 2020
FJ | Bejo Iberica SLU
REDI, broccoli with a unique color (Photo:
On the Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect platform, the competition took place live, between 10 finalist fruits and vegetables, to designate the winner of the Innovation Hub Awards 2020 in the fresh products category.
The REDI product, from the BEJO IBERICA company, was recognized by the jury as the winner of this edition among the 10 finalists. REDI is characterized not only by its extremely healthy character, but also by its striking appearance. REDI has purple shoots, made up of tender stems that end in tiny flower heads. Its color contains more antioxidant compounds than normal broccoli.
The defense of each finalist took place live on the Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect platform in front of a jury made up of Francisco Javier Maté Caballero, Deputy Managing Director of Food Quality Control and Food Laboratories at MAPA; Rubén Moratiel, researcher at CEIGRAM-UPM; Gonzaga Ruíz de Gauna, manager of BIOVEGEN; Camino Arroyo, Deputy Director General of Fruit and Vegetables and Viticulture at MAPA, and Luis B. Martín Martín, Head of the Technical Department of FEPEX.
The jury judged the applicability, innovation, environmental sustainability and social value proposition of the entries.
source : ifema es