Earn an extra dollar a kilogram adding 5 extra days to shelf life for berries and cherries
According to customers of Global Cooling Inc. Jet-Ready Precoolers can add average 5 extra days to shelf life and help earning extra dollar or two per kg. Company’s founder Jim Still shares his and his customers experience.
“Jet-Ready Precoolers are perfect for precooling and recooling berries and cherries” explains Jim Still, Global Cooling Inc. president.
“Small diameter and fairly expensive fresh produce especially berries,” he shares, “can deteriorate very quickly if the cold chain breaks down or is delayed. At some times, the retail price of blueberries in USA is almost fifteen dollars a pound (0.450 kg).” A container-load or trailer-load of blueberries is then worth over $400,000!
A Jet-Ready Precooler can pay for itself in a day or two, according to Still, if it allows the grower or packer to ship their fruit to further-away markets where they can earn an extra dollar or two a kilogram. “Or to hold onto product for a few days until the local price moves in the proper direction,” he added.
Cherries, having a small diameter are also very sensitive to cold chain mis-handling, “A Jet-Ready delivers about 35,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of airflow,” Still continued, “and because berry pallets only weigh about 1,000 pounds, when precooling 10 pallets of berries the fruit is getting about three-and-half cfm per pound. That is an awful lot of airflow, enough to precool fully from field temperature in about an hour, provided that the packhouse has enough refrigeration capacity to keep pace.”
Jet-Ready Precooler users have reported reductions of up to 2/3 off of their previous cooling times.
Stemilt Growers of Wenatchee, WA, has converted all cherry precooling to Still's Jet units, and claim they have gained an average of 5 days extra shelf life by so doing.
“All components for Jet Precoolers are the best that money can buy, and our portables are amazingly powerful. Time after time, we outperform bunker wall systems and farm-built box fans”, - ends Jim J. Still, Global's Vice President.
For more information about Global's Jet-Ready Precoolers, see http://www.PreCoolers.net. Or eMail to: Solutions@Pre-Coolers.net. Or call 1-844-858-4621, local 1-610-248-9800.
Jim Still, Founder/President/CVO, Global Cooling Inc.