Lowest all-time record for pear production in Italy
Wednesday 20 October 2021
The production of the Abate Fetel variety could reach just over 40,000 tonnes, i.e. -78% compared to 2020 and -83% compared to 2018, the last year defined as normal (Photo: facebook / Pera d'ell Emilia Romagna IGP).
In Italy, in the Emilia Romagna region, which represents 70% of national production in terms of surface area, the new harvest estimates confirm the initial forecasts. Abate Fetel pear production is expected to total -78% compared to 2020 volume and -83% compared to 2018.
The inter-professional organization OI Pera has released its harvest estimates which confirm the forecasts made in July. The frosts of late March-early April had a devastating impact on all varieties.
According to these new estimates, the production of the Abate Fetel variety could reach just over 40,000 tonnes, i.e. -78% compared to 2020 and -83% compared to 2018, the last year defined as normal. The production of the Kaiser variety is also expected to register -78% from 2020 and -81% from 2018.
For the earliest varieties, the production deficit is less pronounced, with for the production of the Santa Maria variety -44% compared to 2020 and -50% compared to 2018, for the William variety -54% compared to 2020 and -60% compared to 2018, the Max Red Bartlett variety -52% compared to 2020 and -54% compared to 2018, for the Conference variety -61% compared to 2020 and -70% compared to 2018 .
In addition to frost damage in spring, this drop in production is explained by the reduction in cultivated areas, in particular for the Conference, Abate and Kaiser varieties, but also by drought and damage caused by brown spots and the Asian bug. , according to comments from Gianni Amidei, president of OI Pera.
source : toscanacalcio.net, distribuzionemoderna.info, ilsole24ore.com