Christel Teyssèdre, new president of UNFD
Thursday 05 April 2012
Chrystel Teyssèdre, the new president of the National Union, is seeking to strengthen relations with all industry partners, producers and wholesalers.
The National Union of Trade Unions retailers in fruits, vegetables and food (UNFD) has named Chrystel Teyssèdre as its President.
Chrystel Teyssèdre will run the fruit and vegetable trade in Prayssac (46). Her ambition is to raise concerns of the National Union with governments to deal with issues on matters affecting
trade and independent traders of local fruit and vegetables.
The new president also wants to strengthen relations with industry partners: with producers, to explain the commercial constraints and value of products, and with wholesalers to carry out actions to sustain the wholesale markets.
The new president also wants to strengthen relations with industry partners: with producers, to explain the commercial constraints and value of products, and with wholesalers to carry out actions to sustain the wholesale markets.
source : unfd