ALL LEMON finished the 2015 season with a higher export volume
Optimal results in terms of quality despite a year in diverse weather conditions.
ALL LEMON, the quality label for the export of lemons from Argentina, ended its sixth season. The season 2015 was characterized by a greater volume of fresh fruit exports compared to 2014 (+ 25%).
Clearly increasing, production has not reached "normal" volumes but after the very bad season in 2014 it seemed to be "huge". This overall increase in production was not reflected in exports, which grew by only 25% compared to 2014.
This campaign was delicate but ALL LEMON by multiplying its control efforts managed to ensure quality product. Companies controlled by ALL LEMON: Argenti Lemon, Cecilia Martínez Zuccardi, Citromax, Citrusvil, FGF Trapani, Frutucuman Juan Sigstad SRL, La Moraleja SA, Lapacho Amarillo, La Patria SRL, Latin Lemon, Ledesma, Pablo Padilla y San Miguel