Climate change shows effects
Monday 03 September 2012
In Sicily, the production of table grapes is now 15-20 days ahead of the normal schedule.
Higher temperatures is observed throughout the country has changed the timing of agricultural production.
The organisation of farmers (CIA Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori) notes that temperature increases shows that compared to the years 1960-1990, production schedules are now 5-10 days in advance in the north of the country, 7-12 days in advance in the centre and south, and up to 15-20 days early in Sicily.
Table grapes, olives, hazelnuts, apples, pears, peaches now have earlier harvests. But most worrying for the CIA, is the scarcity of water resources. Long periods without rain interspersed with violent storms deplete the soil. A water system with a very effective conservation and water recycling, seems the only way forward for the CIA.
source : asca it, agronotizie