The Netherlands ranks 5th in the European asparagus producers ranking
Tuesday 11 July 2017
The exports of asparagus go almost entirely to European countries, especially Germany and Belgium, which receive 60% of the volumes (Dutch and foreign origin).
After Germany, Spain, Italy and France, the Netherlands obtained the 5th place in the production of asparagus in Europe.
According to CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), the national statistics service, the amount of agricultural land dedicated to asparagus production has increased by 6% to 3790 hectares (2016) with a yield of 18,600 tons.
About 1/5th of the national production is destined for export. Half of these exports go to Germany, 1/4 in France and 1 / 10th in Belgium.
The Netherlands also imports a large volume of asparagus (13 million kilograms in 2013). Peru is the main supplier with over 10 million kilograms of asparagus, followed by France with 700,000 kilograms and the United States with 600,000 kilograms. These imported asparagus are re-exported, in particular to Germany and Belgium.
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