Integration: the fourth industrial revolution in the fresh produce industry
Packhouses are packing more produce, more efficiently, than they ever have before. These productivity gains have come about through bigger, better, and more sophisticated machines from a range of different vendors, with Compac implementing the charge in sorting and inspection systems.
But the next step-change in productivity for packhouses will come from integration software. Software that can manage the interaction and handovers between the highly complex machines that exist throughout the packing line. Software that monitors how a line is being run and tweaks speeds and reallocates produce because it knows it can increase throughput by 5%. Software that knows what is selling and makes its own packing schedule to deliver the right amount of boxes, of the right type, to the right customer. Software that can run a packhouse without any human intervention; a packhouse where you wouldn’t need to turn on the lights.
The fourth industrial revolution is a digital revolution, and Compac is committed to leading this transformation in the fresh produce industry. To know more visit Compac on Asia Fruit Logistica – at Hall 3, booth Q17 and on PMA Fresh Summit 2016 - booth 3711.