Falling prices and new challenges for the strawberry sector
Cursed season for the strawberry sector of the Huelva region that produces over 94% of all Spanish strawberries.
The price of strawberries continue to fall and nearly two months before the official end of the campaign, to assity unheard in the region. Producers dismantle their crops to reduce their losses. By putting end to all employment contracts, ceasing to harvest and thus produce.
The price of strawberry stagnated on wholesale markets to 0.48 euros, while the cost of production is 2 times higher. This slump has multiple causes which taken together explain the current situation. Adverse weather conditions of the early season and then the general thaw, the economic situation of consumers, competition with other third countries on export markets.
In 2013, the Huelva region produced 274,800 tons of strawberries for a turnover of EUR 315,160 which is already about 20% less than the previous season. The volume produced approximately 185,800 tons (67.6%) were sold fresh, the rest 89,000 tons (32.3%) were intended for the industry.
source : el diario es andalucia