Decline in exports of grapefruits towards Japan
Florida recorded a decline in exports of grapefruits.
According to the Florida Department of Citrus, exports towards Japan reached 6 million cartons in 2008-09, but only 3.9 million cases in 2012 to 2013 (a carton of grapefruits contains 42.5 pounds of fruits).
Japan was the first market in the world for grapefruits from Florida, representing up to 53.4% of exports (in 2008-09). The current level of exports to Japan is the lowest level observed since 30 years.
Florida also recorded a decrease in the total of its exports of fresh grapefruit : 11.3 million cartons exported for the 2008-09 season and only 8.3 million boxes for the 2012-13 season.
source : the ledger com