The mobilization is strong in support of the Belgian producers
The Russian embargo produced the same effects everywhere: the internal market must be strengthened and new export markets sought.
"If every Belgian eats one apple and one pear a day for 1 year, the Belgian fruit production will be elapsed," said the Minister of Agriculture. While waiting for a national promotion campaign promised by the ministry, the mobilization is general to support producers.
"Selfies" as in Poland and France, called here "pearfies" (selfies eating a pear) to power an album of producer support. Local labels like "Agriculture in Wallonia" are highlighted in the outlets. A free distribution of fruit was made at a Namur fair in exchange for a commitment to a "wall of solidarity." A hotel gave pears to all customers to encourage them to buy the Belgian pears.
Belgium, which counts 8,500 acres of pear production and 7,800 hectares of apples, exports 70% of its pears, the half of which were taking the direction of Russia. Pear production this year is 10% higher than in 2013, between 350,000 and 400,000 tonnes.
source : agriculture wallonie, apaqwe