In Serbia organic production is growing
Friday 21 July 2017
Fruits andvegetables, organic production is booming with a considerable increase in its area.
Constant increase in organic production, especially for fruit and vegetables, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, which confirms that almost all volumes are exported.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, which has not yet compiled the data for 2016, the area devoted to organic production has increased by 62% over the last 2 years of reference (2015 compared to 2014). More than 2,000 producers are engaged in organic production and grow about 15,000 hectares.
The government intends to continue to encourage the sector and announced that subsidies for organic production will be higher this year.
The value generated by exports of organic products totaled 20 million euros in 2015. Organic production is mainly exported to Germany and Austria, as well as to the United States and Japan.
source : serbian monitor com